bran REACHES for content

new to Bran but this pissed me off. as someone who is from Philly and (infrequently) frequents fado, his temper tantrum to the bouncer over not being let in at 1:20AM is INSANE. anyone that lives and goes out in Philly knows, lights are ON at 1:30pm AT ALL THE BARS LIKE FADO. lights on means = GTFO of the bar. Philly is not like nyc at all. im convinced his entire following is teenagers because EVERYONEEEEE who goes out in Philly, knows this. go to a fucking dive or club if you want to party all night long. there's so many other options, but he had to go to the bar that lights on at 1:30?!? BFFR bran. he just instigates stupid ass shit for content, and his teeny bopper audience loves him acting like a teenager and throwing temper tantrums.

another thing he did recently: he acts like hes inventing brands paying for his stays in nyc. theres literal BUSINESSES that comp hotel stays if you have a large enough following and can create content for them. im so sick of gen z influencers pretending like they are inventing social media. his bitching and bragging has got to stop.