question about time deducted for nursing my baby
this may be a pretty dumb question. but I started nannying for a WFH family this past week who said it was okay for me to bring my 8 month old daughter. They live in the same community my parents do, about 5 minutes away. NK is 2.5
They asked me to come alone on Monday and Tuesday so I asked my Mom to watch her, I explained to them I would need to nurse my daughter and that my mom could bring her by and they said it was fine for me to leave and then come back no problem. I find out today they deducted 30 minutes from those days for this? I wasn’t gone a full 30 minutes, and I was rushing the entire time. Had I known this I would have taken my time and taken a true 30 as well.
How should I approach this? my daughter is exclusively breastfed and I told them this prior
EDITS: adding some other points. I was bf my daughter in their living room on Wednesday since they said that’d be fine and i realized after they had cameras, one basically right where i was in plain view. when I asked her about it, she said she meant to tell me, but that that one does not continuously record. I didn’t like this at all and asked for a private room to nurse. I realized they have cameras in every room except the new nursery they are working on. I can’t easily take care of a 2.5 year old in a small room nursing my daughter but I will make that work.
Also, on Tuesday, she had to take NK to dr appt at 11 and told me I “would be able to leave early!”. but I consider this pay I lost. I wasn’t excited about leaving early
She texted me yesterday asking if I can be there at 8:30 one day next week bc she has a meeting. She said if not it’s okay and she can make arrangements til 9.