Nanny watches videos on her phone/not interacting with baby
Our nanny started last week. She’s an older woman in her 60s, with four grandchildren of her own, born and raised outside of the U.S. She has 20+ years of experience and came highly recommended by 4 other families, who she was with for a while.
The first week was great, but her behavior the last few days has been concerning to us, and I’m wondering if it’s fixable or if we should consider other care.
For example, I noticed she’s been very sneakily on her phone when I check the camera. She tries to hide it (turns her back towards the camera and keeps her phone tucked away), but I can hear the videos she’s watching. Sometimes our 10 month old will go over and touch her phone, and she’ll snap at her and kind of loudly say “no.” Yesterday, she was doing this for over an hour AND she wasn’t letting baby girl crawl around, restricting her to a padded mat in the living room. So our poor baby was basically ignored unless the nanny shouted at her for crawling off the mat or for touching her phone. On top of this, I told her we had a no phones policy. We are never on our phones in front of baby unless we’re face-timing family.
She also takes a LOT of phone calls. Generally, she’s just not very interactive — sometimes she just sits in the arm chair watching baby girl, but not doing much with her. Isn’t much of a talker, doesn’t read too many books (her English is not great).
Of course she does none of this while I work from home. But she knows there are cameras! Does she just assume we don’t check them?
Other things have also generally slipped. She doesn’t even clean the baby’s bottles anymore, just throws everything in the dishwasher, even bottle parts I told her need to be hand-washed (like caps, which fly around in there and wind up melted against the bottom).
To be clear, I don’t care if she watches videos on her phone while baby’s napping. I’ve told her she should treat naps like breaks, and not worry about cleaning too much (which she offered to do, we have zero expectations beyond cleaning up after baby).
I’m not a very confrontational person, my husband even less so, but obviously I need to speak up for my baby. Are we in find a new nanny territory, or should I just talk to her about what I’ve seen? If so, how do we start that conversation. It feels so awkward to tell somebody you’ve been watching them over the cameras.
TLDR: Nanny has been ignoring baby, hanging out on her phone, and sometimes even shouting at the baby for interrupting her phone scrolling. Should let her go or have a talk?