Favorite Mug

Hey all, I mostly need to vent, but also need advice on how to approach this. I have a favorite mug that I use everyday for my tea, it has mr.rodgers surrounded by his quotes and when hot liquid goes in the cup he changes his sweater, I love this mug so much. Last friday I accidentally left it out on the counter. This Monday I came into work, and about an hour and a half into my day I went to make myself a cup of tea. I didn’t see my mug around so I checked in the cabinet. Well they had put it through the dishwasher and the plastic wrap with the design all melted in the washer. I obviously was sooooo upset and still am. It’s my fault for leaving it out, but also, why hide it? why not talk to me about it? This is the third mug of mine they have broken, on top of spilling all of my plastic cutlery all over the floor and leaving it in a pile for me to pick up off the nasty floor, as well letting guests children color in my story books, and not saying anything about that either.

I’m so beyond upset, I’m mad they hid it, i’m sad about my favorite mug, i feel disrespected as an employee, and defeated by this job/where i’m at in life. I want to bring this up and ask them to replace it, but tensions and frustrations are already high, so I feel stuck to just suck it up.

What should I do to communicate my frustration/resolve the issue without rocking the boat?