My child cries non stop with new nanny

My son is a little over 1 year old. He is on his third nanny. First one left to pursue teaching and second one needed full time with benefits. He loved them both from the first day.

We have our third part-time nanny who started 1 month ago. My husband and I both WFH and if he sees one of us then he cries for 10 min because we leave the room. This has NEVER been as issue before. We’ve always been able to be a part of his day with the nanny if we want to, and always been able to walk thru a room while they play. We can’t hide out in our offices all day.

We thought maybe it was separation anxiety and teething (recently cut a molar). But we had our old nanny after a 1.5 month long hiatus babysit him over the weekend he was perfectly fine with us leaving the room and leaving the house. He’s also completely fine if grandma watches him.

New nanny personality is definitely quite different from our past 2 nannies, a little more reserved, not as positive. I feel like the environment all day is terrible for him and our nanny. It’s been a month, I’m not sure what to do. Do we find someone whose personality is better matched, do we keep pushing forward? Any nannies/nanny families out there had similar experiences?