“Sorry im just the worst mom ever”

I asked my mom for some old report cards months ago because i was seeking an adhd diagnosis. We ended up going no contact (not the first time) before she ever got back to me. Out of the blue (already got diagnosed so too little to late) she texts me a pic of an old report card so i say just say “thanks”. Maybe i shouldnt have even said that but everytime she tries to reach out ill ignore and ignore until eventually she starts calling me. Then ill get more texts like “sorry you feel like that” so when she texted me “merry Christmas” i said it back because id rather send a quick text than her calling me and trying to act like nothing happened. I know she keeps all my old stuff in a box so she mustve come across this when she found my old report cards. She trying to weasel her way back into my life. I know i shouldnt engage at all but she will keep bugging me if i dont respond at all. “There was a time i was awesome to you” is just giving “sorry im just the worst mom ever” or “i did my best”.

I asked my mom for some old report cards months ago because i was seeking an adhd diagnosis. We ended up going no contact (not the first time) before she ever got back to me. Out of the blue (already got diagnosed so too little to late) she texts me a pic of an old report card so i say just say “thanks”. Maybe i shouldnt have even said that but everytime she tries to reach out ill ignore and ignore until eventually she starts calling me. Then ill get more texts like “sorry you feel like that” so when she texted me “merry Christmas” i said it back because id rather send a quick text than her calling me and trying to act like nothing happened. I know she keeps all my old stuff in a box so she mustve come across this when she found my old report cards. She trying to weasel her way back into my life. I know i shouldnt engage at all but she will keep bugging me if i dont respond at all. “There was a time i was awesome to you” is just giving “sorry im just the worst mom ever” or “i did my best”.