My grandfather hated being compared to Elvis. Said he “moved funny”. Early 1950s Austria.

He was close to 18 here and had recently met my grandmother (22). They would be married with a child on the way within a year.

He went on to invent the modern atomic clock: the rubidium frequency oscillator. He offered his firm the rights to develop the product but the Europeans didn’t believe him. The “math didn’t work out”. They would say “only the Americans were crazy enough to believe us”. The atomic clock would later enable GPS, helping prove Einstein’s theory of relativity and connecting the world through global communication.

He succumbed to an early death due to alcoholism shortly after divorcing my grandmother in the 80s.

He was close to 18 here and had recently met my grandmother (22). They would be married with a child on the way within a year.

He went on to invent the modern atomic clock: the rubidium frequency oscillator. He offered his firm the rights to develop the product but the Europeans didn’t believe him. The “math didn’t work out”. They would say “only the Americans were crazy enough to believe us”. The atomic clock would later enable GPS, helping prove Einstein’s theory of relativity and connecting the world through global communication.

He succumbed to an early death due to alcoholism shortly after divorcing my grandmother in the 80s.