Advice for a trans-person looking to rejoin the faith
Edit: need to add this is not a post asking if christianity is lgbt affirming. I already believe it inherently is. Ty!
I need some words of advice for re-starting my journey with Jesus. I will be sharing my story for context and just a warning there are some tough topics.
I am a 22yo Male. I was raised Christian in a fairly abusive household. One parent was physically abusive, beatings and the parent breaking things in the house were normal. Other parent threatened my sibling and I telling us we would be sent to hell for being bad when we were young which really frightened us and gave me nightmares.
I realized I was transsexual when I was young in high school (I’m a biological female now living as male). I was banned from wearing boys clothing as a kid from 6th grade to 11th grade because according to my parent, “it’s a grave sin to disrespect the body God gave me by wearing clothes made for the opposite gender”. That pushed me away from Christianity and I became an atheist because I was given the idea that there was no space for me in Christianity.
I’ve been vegan for 7 years and stopped eating meat 15 years ago because I’ve always loved animals and know they suffer when they are killed. I was sent to a christian camp in 6th grade and the teenage counselors there told me animals dont go to heaven because they dont have souls. And my family always said “God put animals on Earth for us to kill”. That was another contributing factor pushing me away from christianity.
Well, a year ago I watched the new vegan documentary Christspiracy with all my vegan guy friends. It surprisingly brought up a lot of emotions for me and I was crying so hard at the end because I had realized I had been taught lies my whole life and that Jesus actually loved animals and stood up for them till the end of his life. I was so happy to learn this and it’s actually what makes me want to come back to Christianity and live as Jesus did.
I confided in a Christian friend who’s in theology school and he recommended the ESV Study Bible, so I bought it. Unfortunately it’s filled with blatant homophobic rhetoric. I love him, I’ve known him since he was a little kid and don’t plan on ever cutting that friendship, but I think he’s putting me off to a bad start because homophobia and transphobia in the Christian community is what originally pushed me away from having faith.
I found this community on reddit and am really happy to see it. I believe everyone was made in God’s image, and my transition is a part of the journey God had laid out for me. There is no sin in being gay or trans. Any words of advice on a better place to start with the religion would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
TLDR: I was pushed away from Christianity because of transphobia from my family + community. Watched a documentary a year ago and now I truly want to live as Jesus did. Good friend put me off to a bad start with a slightly homophobic bible, looking for advice on a better place to start. Thank you!