Abilities that do and don't give tower aggro (@Crownie)

Made this list last year (patch 14.18) and thought I'd share after there was a bit of confusion in the scrim the other day, since which zero damage abilities do and don't give tower aggro basically makes no sense.

Zilean Q1 does give aggro, but in the game I think Cait was just slightly out of aggro range. Maybe could've been something else though?

Crownie mentioned it being caused by the ability dealing 1 true damage but AFAIK that's not in the game anymore (definitely not for Zilean Q at least). Abilities that deal 0 damage can just give aggro (for some reason).

I think the 1TD thing was also about giving proper assist credit but there are some abilities on this list that don't give aggro that definitely give assist credit so I guess that's programmed separately too.

janna r - no

elise e (human and spider) - no

veigar e - no

nasus w - no

taliyah r - no

illaoi e - no

ekko w - no

camille r - no

morde r - no

evelynn w - no

rammus e - no

darius e - no

tryndamere w - no

quinn w - no

warwick e - no

vlad r1 - no

zoe sleep - no

ornn pillar displacement - no

lux slow - no

jhin e1 - no

diana r1 - no

senna w2 - no

zilean e - no

anivia w - yes

ezreal w - yes

zilean q1 - yes (also aggros if enemy walks into it)

trundle e - yes

bard r - yes (if you don't also hit the tower)

yorick w (displacement) - yes