I have officially hit the 1,000 hour mark! How long did "X" rank take you?
I have crossed the threshold of a combined 1,000 hours in Rocket League on all accounts/platforms! The bulk of those hours (470) were spent on an Xbox One S, the 2nd platform I played on, before PC. This is a great achievement for me, and I'm so excited to see what the next 1k hours holds for me!
I find it fun to just step back, and take a look at how much progress you've made in the time you've spent:
I'm currently around low C2 in 2s and high D2 in 1s. How many hours do you have, and what rank are you?
Higher rank players, how many hours did it take you to reach each rank in Champ/GC, and SSLs, how long did SSL take for you? How do you compare to this "average hours/rank" graph? (From Wayton Pilkin's video btw)