Unhappy no matter where I move — does anyone else deal with this & how have you overcome it?
I (29f) was living in LA working in the entertainment industry & started feeling unhappy with my life in California, moved to Austin, TX and now am feeling the same emotions of dissatisfaction and depression.
I moved to LA for a good job working for one of the production heavy-hitters. I loved the weather & access to nature, and I made a few close friends I still talk to/visit today. In hindsight, I feel like my social life was perfectly healthy, but at the time of living there I remember feeling like I spent a lot of time alone and missed being close to friends back on the east coast. There were also a lot of things I hated about LA; traffic, cost of living, how spread out the city was. Again, when I remember LA now it’s definitely through rose colored glasses, but at the time, I was constantly thinking about moving somewhere else.
About 3 years later, I started actively applying to jobs elsewhere. I have a sibling who had been living in Austin, TX so I was familiar with the city/had visited a handful of times, and thought it might be a good fit. I ended up getting another good job offer with a really competitive salary that I felt I couldn’t turn down.
The first few months in Austin, I really enjoyed it — I liked my new coworkers, loved how navigable & friendly the city was, & quickly started making friends via things like run clubs and art studios I joined. However, after the initial glow wore off, I started missing LA a LOT and now after about 1.5 years in Austin, I feel I’ve been unable to make as deep of connections as I had in LA and am struggling to feel connected to the city. Once again, I feel like I spend a lot of time alone & am always feeling like my life could be better elsewhere.
I know realistically, these are the exact same feelings I had in LA & that no matter where I go, there there I’ll be, but I cannot seem to get over this mental hurdle that my life would be better somewhere else. I sometimes feel like I’ll never be happy no matter where I move. Has anyone ever experienced this? How did you get over it?