The show has not jumped the shark, but the online fandom definitely has…
It seems like right around the Woe’s Hollow episode was when this show’s fandom exploded from a combination of word of mouth, increased mainstream weekly ads from Apple, and Severance becoming the #1 watched show in Apple TV+ history.
Before then, it felt like being a Severance fan was like being in a secret club, and while I’m ecstatic that it has exploded in popularity, the fan-generated content online has seriously taken a massive swing to the negative side.
Even the first few episodes of season 2, most of the content on here was excitement, wonder, praise, and thought-provoking discussions.
Now it seems like for the last 4-6 weeks every thread that comes across my feed and rakes in the upvotes is just another post of someone nitpicking and tearing down everything they didn’t like about the previous episode, or about the writing in general. S2E7 gave us a nice reprieve from that, but man with episodes 8 and 9 the negative Nancies are back in full force. Like seriously. It’s a show about people having outpatient brain surgery to sever their psyche and do mysterious work for a secret cult company, and people have the gall to bitch and moan about “it’s not realistic that they stood in the snowy woods until nightfall so I’m out”.
If the season finale doesn’t answer 100% of people’s questions, there’s going to just be tons of continued bitching on here, and it’s sad that a show that inspires so much wonder in so many of us has become the target of the online amateur critic mob.
You are not the writers. I am not the writer. If they don’t do it 100% how you expect or want it to, just enjoy the ride. Shows like this don’t come along every day.