My first impression of Levi was 1000% wrong. Anybody else?
I totally thought he was gonna be like Sasuke. Broody, emo, thinks he's the best thing ever for humanity, doesn't give a fuck about his comrades. In the scene in the beginning where he comforts a scout as they die I was rolling my eyes thinking he was just trying to look good. I thought all the people than fangirled over him were vapid.
I was completely and utterly wrong. Levi was ride or die for the scouts and always had their back. His character arc showing how he always survived and had to handle losing his friends was amazing. I cried when he saw them at the end and he cried from it.
I'm not about to get a Levi body pillow, but I am very sorry to my friend who had a dog named Levi and didn't know that I was rolling my eyes mentally when she explained that he was named after the character.