I hate Siri, more and more every day.

I've never been a Siri power user but I used to use it all the time, to make calls to get weather, to make a note, and sometimes to reply to a text. Lately, it cannot make calls. I've asked the same thing I've been asking for years, call Sarah, for instance. Instead it now either says I don't see a Sarah in your contacts, or even better it will call some business half the country away. It's just useless and almost dangerous. I don't want to talk to a stranger in a flower shop in Wisconsin when I'm trying to contact a coworker. Not sure if anyone else has had these things happen but it makes me hate Siri and also hate Apple some too. It used to function fairly well for what it was, it just pisses me off every time I try. So I don't. How can a massive company like Apple fail so spectacularly? It's very hard to understand.