Be patient

I can see why Nita bros are frustrated but "why doesn't X character have get a 5* version" is something that keeps coming up every patch that it has become repetitive, and I just wanna put my two cents into this.

I know it looks easy for me to say since most of my faves have gotten an upgrade, whether it's a new 5* version or a new skin. And yes, I know Nita is the only one who hasn't gotten a 5* version of herself. But the same could be said for Siris who only got hers in the New Hentiro patch. And to those suggesting Nita has been neglected due to certain reasons, did Mauxir not get a new 5* version as well? Did she not get featured a major role in the story as well?

I also want to draw some attention to the fact that for some characters who got new 5* versions (like Siris, Fenny and Chenxing), it is also followed by an update to their bond story, and a rewrite especially if that character story in question was written before the shift. Not all characters' bond story got updated yet though, and I'm still waiting for Lyfe's. For Nita, it is likely she is under the "to rewrite" category, which is why it's taking longer. This is just my view based on the trends, so if in doubt don't take my word for it.

What I'm trying to say is, I don't believe that Nita has been forgotten, seeing how she's featured in the main PV for this version and also the official art and short clips. And I trust the devs and the CN community have not forgotten her too, seeing how much they stress on how all the waifus love the Adjutant and marry him eventually. There will be no "da lao po", no "xiao lao po", all of them are equally his wife and lover. And that includes Nita as well.

TLDR: Be patient, she will be back soon.