What to expect from this person?

Here’s the damage: 3 of cups, The hanged man, Knight of wands and then i clarified each of these with an individual card. (The 3 clarified by the traveller etc..) This is the spirit song deck!

Some of these cards are repeat offenders (The traveller, ace of cups, Knight of wands, and Magician)

Interpretation: For reference, we honestly don’t speak much or at all. I’ve been feeling their energy a lot recently however. Not sure if it’s the retrogrades or what. 3 of cups suggests maybe wanting to lightheartedly come back into my life. The hanged man suggests they’re not sure how I’m going to take it and that hinders them from any action. I’ve been reading for others for years, but i suck at doing myself no judgement 😭

Here’s the damage: 3 of cups, The hanged man, Knight of wands and then i clarified each of these with an individual card. (The 3 clarified by the traveller etc..) This is the spirit song deck!

Some of these cards are repeat offenders (The traveller, ace of cups, Knight of wands, and Magician)

Interpretation: For reference, we honestly don’t speak much or at all. I’ve been feeling their energy a lot recently however. Not sure if it’s the retrogrades or what. 3 of cups suggests maybe wanting to lightheartedly come back into my life. The hanged man suggests they’re not sure how I’m going to take it and that hinders them from any action. I’ve been reading for others for years, but i suck at doing myself no judgement 😭