A rock fell on my head
UPDATE: Principal wants me to let it go because he didn’t INTENTIONALLY throw a rock at me. She even stated when he was in half day admin time out that she didn’t even agree with that because the MAIN problem was that he didn’t listen to me. She does not make students apologize because they don’t mean it. I’m currently at my OB hoping I can get medical leave because this has me stressed out to the point I’d rather jump off a roof than go back to work. At least for this school year although next year will be my last at this school.
I didn’t join or call the memberships (no union in GA) but I feel like what happened doesn’t matter. I’m still having effects from having a concussion that she thinks could be migraines. Good to know admin does not have my back.
—— I hope did the update right.
Student who rarely listens to me decided to throw up a rock and kick it. It unintentionally fell on my head but what are the odds! Asked him multiple times to put it down and that’s what he chose to do. I’m also pregnant and I just don’t feel safe with this student. As she would say our kids come from trauma and yeah some of us do as well but we don’t act like this and never have. Sometimes it feels like a never ending excuse. Had a meeting today and I can’t get him out of my class because of FTE basically. I’m really upset and I don’t know if there is anything else I can do? Should do?
Also I have symptoms of a slight concussion but since I didn’t fall out or black out I didn’t need CT scans. Discharge papers say head injury. Going to my pcp in a few hours.