American Summer Hitler Camps! Ep. 233
I’m hurting guys. This is rough. And I think this is my 6th, maybe 7th time around the Dollop. The episodes are eerily sinking up again and again. About 1 hour into this episode is where we are now. Actually no, our current standing has yet to bring these bastards to court. We are falling into the precipice of history’s mistakes.
Please get involved in your local government. Our democratic system in corrupt and broken, but if we don’t fight for it now we will not have a voice to fight for the rest of what matters to us all🫶🌍✊🌏🌿🌎
And I’ll end on a funny coincidence:
I’m doing my morning chores while listening to The Dollop, obviously. My kiddo kept hounding me for more food after breakfast so I yelled, “did you finish your banana?!” And Dave immediately after that goes, “It’s fucking bananas!” And Gareth then says, “Speaking of bananas!”🤯
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