What's going on here ? 🤔

Can someone please explain to me why Abel has a freckle on his nose in the movie trailers, but not in his old pictures ?

In his old pictures, he has a freckle near his left eye, and in the new trailer, he has a freckle on his nose, and the freckle near his left eye is not here 🤔

How did I notice this ?

The question is how can you NOT notice this? When I first seen the reel Abelspost posted (that I posted on here the other day) I was like wait, what? Since when did Abel have a freckle on his nose? Ive been looking at that face for 11 years, and that wasn't there before. What's going on here ? 🧐🧐

I know everyone gunna hate on me for asking this, but I NEED TO KNOW ! 😂