Can I say T.I.T.S was great and I enjoyed myself quite a lot?

My wife and I had a great time and met a fair amount of people also having a great time. The internet is a strange cesspool of telephone.

The lies Ive seen so far.

  1. They repeated the same set list. (4 songs repeated)
  2. They were booed off stage and cut the second set short. (First set went long and second set was on time)
  3. The audio was awful. (An outdoor stage assembled on the beach sounded pretty great to me)

The positives.

  1. So many bands rocked awesome sets that nobody talks about. Coheed, Primus, Umphreys, Mastodon I thought all put on sick shows.

  2. It was so easy to do anything. Want a drink? no line. grab a snack no line. grab a piss no line. Crowd was present but not crowded.

  3. I thought the resort was nice, food was adequate, staff was great.

I feel like all this bitching is mostly from people that didnt even go.