AITA for choosing my cat over my boyfriend?

My(F24) life is falling apart because my Cat (9F) HATES my boyfriend (24M).

I met my boyfriend, Josh, while we were both studying film in college. It was like a movie, we got hired in different departments of a film, but coincidentally we kept running into each other and having to work together. It felt like a romcom, we just clicked so perfectly. We dated for the rest of college and then managed almost a year long distance before we finally made plans to move in together in LA this past fall.

We moved into a tiny three bedroom with two other college friends and it's cramped but we're all so close that every day feels like a sitcom its so much fun, except the one big problem. My cat, Bonnie, hates my boyfriend.

I found Bonnie as an 8 week old stray, and raising her up to be a healthy happy beautiful cat is something that is so special to me. She has grown up to be a momma's girl, she loves to snuggle and she never bites or scratches me. She can be a little sassy to others (shes a calico, its how she is) but the way she acts around my boyfriend is shocking.

Bonnie does not let Josh touch her, EVER. If he tries he will walk away bleeding. She hides under the bed and attacks his ankles as he walks by. He says she cries all day long when he's working and I'm not home (something she didn't do when I lived with my parents). She scratches and chews on his clothes and shoes. She's even peed on his clothes a couple times if he leaves them on the floor or bed. At first we chalked it up to her being scared of the new environment/the stress of moving across the country with me, but its now been almost 6 months and she hasn't stopped.

This constant stress of Bonnie is starting to wear on my relationship with Josh. He's such a kind and loving and gentle person, that's one of the big reasons I fell in love with him, but since moving in together he's becoming someone I don't recognize. He's so negative and stressed all the time, his patience is razor thin. He speaks violently about Bonnie, saying he wants to hit her or kick her, which terrifies me because he has NEVER acted this way about anything. I know it's especially bad because he works from home, from our bedroom, which is also conveniently where Bonnie spends her entire day. (she's a bit territorial with our housemates cat and doesn't like leaving the room)

Recently, at the end of a particularly long day, Bonnie swiped at Josh and cut him pretty badly, and he yelled at me to get her out of here. So I locked her out in the hallway while I helped him bandage his ankle, but once I heard her fighting with our housemates cat I brought her back in, and she immediately went and swiped at Josh again before hiding under the bed. He started raging at me about how stupid and evil she is, he went as far as shaking the bed to scare her out from under there. At that point I didn't even say anything I just grabbed her and her carrier and left.

I went to stay with a friend and Josh didn't text me the rest of the night. My friend asked me if this was a future I wanted for myself, josh constantly angry and my cat constantly scared and stressed, and honestly no. So I started looking for apartments, we only have a 6 month lease so it. Maybe I was just tired and feeling so on edge I wanted to feel some semblance of control, but I even reached out to a friend who I knew was moving soon and asked if she needed a roommate. Unluckily for me, that friend was at our apartment the next day to hang out with my roommate and she mentioned to Josh that I had wanted to talk to her about wanting to move in with her. Josh called me immediately and yelled at me for ten minutes about how stupid it was to choose a cat over a boyfriend. He even said he had been looking at engagement rings, but now he wasn't sure if he wanted to spend his life with someone who'd throw him away like I was. He hung up on me and I spent the rest of the day crying and calling my family and friends for advice. I've tried to call Josh to talk or ask to go to therapy together or something but he's ignoring me. I went by the apartment (the friend I was staying with agreed to watch Bonnie) but he wasn't even there.

It's now been two days with almost no contact and I'm getting more and more sure about moving out. This isn't the person I pictured my future with. But at the same time everyone in my life seems shocked about me wanting to move out, my mom even said I was 'throwing my life away' I feel like I'm going CRAZY, the man I imagined marrying is not the man that keeps ignoring my calls, and as silly as it sounds, cats are so smart and intuitive, I don't understand why she'd behave like this to him for no reason.

Sorry this is crazy long but I just have no idea what to do, is my cat worth throwing away almost five years of a relationship? :(!!