UEM Is Being Shadowbanned & Censored – We’re Not Backing Down!

Lately, I’ve been noticing a significant drop in engagement and views on UEM posts. What was once 100+ views per post has suddenly dwindled to two-digit views on most of my content. And this isn't just coincidence – it’s clear evidence that UEM is being shadowbanned and censored for speaking the truth and standing for values that prioritize humanity, justice, and freedom.

Let’s be clear: this censorship isn’t an accident. We’re calling it out for what it is. It’s an attempt to silence our message—a message that stands against corruption, inequality, and abuses of power. Whether it's corporate greed, social injustice, or the manipulation of wealth and technology, UEM stands firm in fighting for a better, more equitable future for all.

We see it happening every day—content that challenges the status quo is being hidden or suppressed, while the powerful continue to pull the strings behind closed doors. But we’re not going to let that stop us. UEM will NOT remain silent. We will keep pushing, keep speaking out, and keep fighting for human rights, equality, and freedom of speech.

We will not be silenced. Censorship will be called out, and we will fight for a future where every voice counts. We’re not giving up, and we’ll continue to hold those in power accountable for their actions.

Join us—because the fight for justice, freedom, and truth is something we cannot afford to lose.

UEM #FreeSpeech #Censorship #FightForJustice #HumanRights #Equality #CorruptionFighting