B1/B2 visa overstay as a child and after 20 years applying for F1 visa to pursue masters in states


Hello, My mother overstayed the visa for 3 days when we visited the US in 2006, I was 6 years old. In 2009, we went again and at the port of entry, they told my mother that she overstayed and they are deporting us. They even said that they are willing to let us (me and my brother) enter to US since we were 9 years old at that time. Before deporting us, my mother took oath of never overstaying again and the officer omitted that the case is closed now. Now coming to the main point, I am 24 and I am going to apply for my F1 visa soon for masters in US. Tell me how this will affect my chances?? My circumstances are different and I want to commit myself to my studies only and come as a genuine student.