Should I sign up for this 100
It's a relatively flat one (total 10300'). My friend is doing it and she's kind of convincing me over the weekend while doing back to backs that if she can do I can do it and I wanna hear a 2nd opinion. I've done two 50M this year with 9000 and 12600 ft elevation, a 40M with 7000, and one 50k with 6600.
One reason I think I want to sign up is because this march was my first 50k and August first 50M so it would be real cool to move up to 100M in my first season. This past weekend i did an unsupported 50k (5600') and felt good (8h10m) and then a slower 12M (3300') day after and feel alright now. Since July my months have had:
Jul 174 Aug 132 Sep 160 Oct 167 Nov 147 so far miles
Last week 65 miles. In general hovering between 30-60. Is this enough to give it a shot?
Edit: I've been running in general since 2017 pretty consistently, for a while more in the 20-25 mi/wk range , went up to half marathon weekend runs in 2019 or 2020 then moved up more last year, so there's more of the background