Hardly any visible vapor

First of all, I do not care about the huge puffy white clouds that vape marketers are always talking about. But....if there is none at all, or almost no visible vapor at all, it's hard for me (as a flower vape noob) to know how much I am consuming.

I've tried different temperatures and different settings of the ring. No matter what I do, there's hardly any vapor when I exhale. Several times I have consumed more flower than I intended to (I often consume to help me fall asleep and too high of a dose keeps me awake instead).

Unlike with other consumption methods, in the absence of visible vapor, there don't seem to be any clues as to how much flower is being consumed.

I typically use the 180C setting (though as I said, I've experimented with other settings), with a dosing capsule.Does it matter how tightly the capsule is packed?

One odd thing I notice, is if I turn off the venty, I can then take a couple of hits which DO produce vapor on the exhale. it doesn't usually happen when the unit is on.

To be clear - the thing is definitely doing its job - I most certainly feel the effects - but I was hoping to use vapor as a guideline to indicate how much I'm consuming. Is that not a thing people do? Is it possible my Venty is broken, or not working as it should? Or do I just need to get used to using it and not seeing much, if any, vapor?

It basically just feels like I'm sucking air through a tube and there is pretty much no difference in terms of how it feels between doing so before the unit has been turned on, and doing so when it's on.
