How to mastered the cheese in w3c, only the best

Orc vs human vs orc vs und : mass grunts and only tc hero, get fast expansion for spaming.

Orc vs ne: mass grunts and raiders, faar seer and firelord to press.

Human vs ne: militia tower rush, try to change to militia rush and mk hero.

Human vs orc, und, hun, arch lvl 2 and mass foot + tower rush i. The first minutes.

Und vs und: mass acólytes and lich.

Und vs orc vs hun vs ne: tower rush fiends + lich lvl 1 first armor.

Ne vs orc, und, ne Build 3 ancients of war in their base near the trees and get tinker.

Ne vs human: pretend tô be afk, get u ancient outside and put another and hide him among the tress