Anyone else feel like they’re not cool/alt enough to be gay?

Uh oh another “I don’t look gay” post except not really

Does anyone feel like they’re sometimes not cool/alt enough to be gay? Like lifestyle wise (NOT POLITICALLY), I’m conservative. I work in corporate America, wear basic clothes, don’t have tattoos, don’t smoke or do drugs besides the occasional edible, don’t really have cool hobbies or interests. Like I’m kinda of a boring basic lesbian. I’m confident in myself, and I don’t really want to change about me but sometimes I look at queer spaces and I’m like “damn! Those people are so much more interesting and cooler than me!”

It’s kinda to the point that I feel like I don’t fit into a lot of sapphic spaces. I’ve gone to events and I just feel like I’m an outsider and lowkey in the closet again looking out. I feel like I need to start a gay social group where it’s just us like wearing jeans and sweatshirts and watching shitty reality tv