My goodness I am impressed

Today I watched my first AEW event, now that they are on HBO. Prior to this, the majority of info I've known about AEW has come from second hand sources, like youtube podcasters. There seems to be mixed opinion about the product.

Specifically, I watched the Kyle Fletcher vs Komander match (11/2/2024), and truth be told this has made me more excited for wrestling than I have been in quite some time. Top tier athleticism, great in-ring story telling, relentless pacing, the announcers are not going apeshit every 3 seconds and sprinkling it with fabricated financial reports (i.e how every subsequent show is some record-breaking gate). Wrestlers are actually allowed to swear and make gestures, and story-telling isnt confined to generic "good vs evil" / yeet / PG nonsense. There is an actual stage entrance for crying out loud. And the person losing is actually able to get in some really good offense. In this one match, I've seen more different moves then I have in the past 6 pay-per-views of the competitor.

I feel like I have been lied to. I dont understand where all the heat comes from, it genuinely doesn't seem well founded. I am actually quite happy that AEW focuses on spectacle rather than trying to emulate some dry variant of something that everyone knows is choreographed. By providing a spectacle, I am not asking myself "who is going to win or lose" (like everyone has been doing for the past 100 years), but rather I can ask "how the heck are they even doing that," and for me that is much more intriguing.

So yea, if you are like me and have never seen an AEW episode before, definitely give it a try before forming an opinion.