i am starting to question everything

i'm an aero major.

90% of the people in my classes are men. 99% of the people in my orgs are men. i play sports that have to be all men.

i am on campus 8am to 8pm every day doing homework and going to class and eating. i haven't made any new friends that are women all semester.

i am surrounded by men.

i think im turning gay. but im not gay.

i love women. i love everything about women. i love all women of all colors and ideas. i wake up in the morning and wish i had a woman in my bed.

but i see men so much im starting to question everything...

no. im not gay. i am straight.

but shit how am i supposed to find a woman as an engineering major?!?!?!

Edit: Ok so I know this is a shitpost and not super accurate but thanks for the helpful advice. I’m gonna cry myself to sleep because of loneliness and exams but maybe one day I’ll find someone to love :,)