What is life like after lower back surgery?

Hey all, I just found this community a few days ago. While I hate to see so many people dealing with the same crap that I am, it gives me a little comfort to see a whole community helping each other out with something I’ve been dealing with for most of my adult life.

I’m 32, a professional chef, and I’ve had back issues since I was 16. Grew up in severe poverty and was always told my back issues were “just genetics” since everyone in my family has them and it’s just something we all have to deal with. Obviously I realize now that’s not true.

Lately, my back pain has gotten so severe that when I come home at night, I’m in straight up agony. I dread going to bed because it takes hours and heavy duty sleep pills to finally knock me out since as soon as my body seems to relax and I’m drifting off, my whole lower back just seizes up and sharp pains shoot through me. I know my lower back is kind of warped, I only have X-rays from my chiropractor to go on (which I keep seeing everyone say I should avoid). It’s not usually as bad in the morning, I also use kratom for pain management because it’s done far more to numb the pain than any prescribed drug I’ve had, but come the end of the day it doesn’t matter what I have pumping through my system, I just hurt, bad.

I’ve realized the worst of it comes after I work a shift, my job is a working exec chef position, so I’m actively cooking most of the day, but n my feet, leaning over tables playing fine details and I think that’s where most of the agitation comes from in my back. If I have a day off, whether I’m just hanging around the house or even doing yard work, I’m usually fine, maybe just a little stiff.

I’m in the process of trying to get health insurance so I can finally start doing something about it beyond a chiropractor which seems to be doing f*ck all for me beyond temporary relief and I’m just curious about what life is like after a lower back surgery. Like, are you able to still stay active? Work? Hike? Exercise?

My biggest worry, honestly is giving up my profession. I absolutely love what I do, and I don’t think I would be able (or know how to) do anything else, so the idea of my final solution being surgery and taking me out of my craft kind of terrifies me. Has anyone else been in the same position?