Help with a love spell
I used to post on my other account but my husband is now aware that I post regularly on Reddit. So new account. I got the other woman out of my life. What can I do to prevent him from cheating on me again?
I have this spell. I will be casting it on the next waxing moon on a Wednesday on the Mercury planetary hour. I want him to feel physically ill if he even thinks of cheating. Can I add something to have him feel the desire to be truthful to me? I want him to feel physically ill until he tells me the truth.
Cleanse Space
- Cleanse space with sage or any other preferred method. As say when cleansing: "I cleanse this space of all negativity. Only love, honesty, and positive energy remain."
Set Up the Candles:
- Place the white candle in the center (truth and purity).
- Place the red candle to the right of the white candle (love and passion).
- Place the blue candle to the left of the white candle (communication and honesty).
Light the Candles:
- Light the white candle first, saying: "White candle, burn bright with purity and truth."
- Light the red candle, saying: "Red candle, burn bright with love and passion.”
- Light the blue candle, saying: "Blue candle, burn bright with honesty and communication."
Create a Sacred Circle:
- Scatter the lavender and rosemary around the candles to form a circle. Say: "Lavender, bring peace and harmony. Rosemary, bring fidelity and protection."
Charge the Crystals:
- Hold the rose quartz and sodalite in hands, and focus on intentions for truthfulness and a strong bond. Say: "Rose quartz, infuse our love with trust and strength. Sodalite, bring honesty and clear communication."
Write Intention:
- On the piece of parchment paper, write a heartfelt message or intention for honesty and strengthening the bond. For example: "May [husband's name] feel compelled to always be truthful. May our bond be strengthened with love, trust, and open communication."
Place the Crystals and Parchment:
- Place the charged crystals and the parchment in the small jar or box. Say: "With these symbols of love and honesty, I strengthen our bond. May truth and trust be ever present between us."
Visualize Intention:
- Spend a few moments visualizing a strong and honest relationship with the partner. See both happy, committed, and communicating openly.
Close the Ritual:
- Thank the elements and any guiding spirits or energies called upon for their help. Say: "Thank you for aiding this spell. May our relationship be blessed with love, honesty, and trust. So mote it be."
Extinguish the Candles:
- Blow out the candles in the reverse order they were lit (blue candle first, then red candle, and finally white candle).
Keep the or Box:
- Keep the charged crystals and the parchment in a special place, such as a love altar or a drawer, to continuously reinforce the spell's energy.
I will repeat the spell during a new or full moon