My anxiety was through the roof hearing the bits(yes I could not read it) of her new lawsuit!
I can't read her amended lawsuit because reading even the bits of it makes me immensely angry so I thank everyone here who read it and shared details from the lawsuit.I am just recollecting a few crucial details that imply or if I may say PROVE she is deadass lying : 1) Birthing scene happens on May 22 2023 and she cleverly doesn't mean include the date in her lawsuit.Why? Because apparently she sent Justin texts complimenting him AFTER that scene.Why would you compliment the person who made you do a naked scene when you weren't even supposed to? 2) If Isabella felt the level of discomfort and her boundaries were violated as many times as the lawsuit claims , why did she PROACTIVELY send JB a text thanking and praising him to the moon?! 3) She invites JB to her trailer while breastpumping AFTER the video montage and the BIRTHING SCENE was shot.Hello Bullshit Blake, I have a question for you.Why tf did you proactively invite this man who SHed you and made other women on the set extremely uncomfortable to your trailer while breastpumping especially AFTER he had SHed you and done numerous vile and despicable things as per your claims? 4) The marketing company handling the promotions of the movie was RR's.It wasn't Sony.So why would Sony tell you to not talk about DV and more importantly why were you shamelessly selling booze and shampoo during press tour? 5) Why did you lie about the slow dance scene despite having concrete evidence and published the said lie on the NYT ?
Please feel free to add more points that can arguably refute her bullshit claims .