Interested in new games
I'm looking to buy a new game. And would like some advice.
What i'm looking for: A eurogame with rather simple rules and kind of the same setup for everybody. I like worker placements and i love interaction with other players.
I totally don't like extra cards with powers, for example the cards you can put meeples on in arcs, or the red cards in Inis, it's too much, everybody has al these different rules/powers for themselves which makes it difficult to have a strategy. Besides those elements, i do like Inis and arcs.
For example i really love El grande, rules are rather simple, everybody starts with the same cards, there is interaction between players, it's strategic. i love it.
Games i like: El grande, Machiavelli, maharadja, arcs, Inis, carcassonne and a lot more But forgot the names.