Partner wants to feed formula because he can’t soothe baby
Help me help my partner understand the benefits of EBF. He cannot soothe our 3 week old. I ran to get takeout today, lineup was big, and she cried for him the entire time. He now wants me to either have more pumped milk on hand or formula feed.
I try to pump once a day, but it’s hard, I pump barely an ounce exquisite pumping session. It’s hard to get a single feeding. I tried explaining this but he doesn’t get it. He think formula will soothe her.
I had fed her on both breasts prior to my takeout run. I was gone 45 mins. I told him that sometimes baby cries for mom, sometimes they want to nurse for comfort or sleepiness and a bottle won’t fix that either. He thinks it will. I asked what if I want to go to yoga or the gym? I need a bottle every time? I’ll never be able to leave the house…
I hat upset me more then anything was that he said he’s just going to buy formula without me and feed her. I’m at loss and never felt so unsupported. Help! How can I educate him on why EBF is best?