Any tips for underproducing side?
Does anyone have tips for how to manage underproducing breast? At this point my LO has given up on my right breast. I am assuming the let down is too slow, he will latch, get frustrated and push off or start crying. I’m nearly ready to give up on it and just have him nurse on the left. However, I am curious in other’s experiences, did you just let it dry up? Did you continue to pump to keep up supply? It still gets painfully full.
Additionally the right breast is a bit of an anomaly since when I pump I usually get around 50-70ml on the right but there have been a few times randomly where I’ve somehow pumped like 100-150? So I guess am hesitant to give up on it?
Also frustratingly my right breast has always been slightly smaller, so I am afraid when it dries up the difference will be even more drastic.
Not sure what to do and looking for tips.
LO is 16 weeks if that adds context
Thank you!