Accidental gun purchase with a sticky stock

Threw a low bid on a Browning x bolt in 30-06 with a messed up black stock and no magazine. To my surprise I actually won! First couple of pictures show the state of the stock, then the custom Swedish riser, a couple of pictures of the 'fixed up' riser piece, and finally what gets scraped off in a 2" long pass!

I could have sent the stock to browning to get fixed up (known issue), but they might have opter to replace it instead; it's at their discretion. I want to keep this stock because I like the cheek riser.

So I disassembled it and started by working on the riser piece. Tried a few things out and determined that scraping the bulk of it off, then wiping it down with acetone, and finally water seems to do the best job. I was actually using nail polish remover when I started but ran out and bought a tin of straight acetone. Oddly the acetone does a faster job but the nail polish remover was leaving a nicer finish. (Ignore the scratches, there were a couple of failed methods attempted. I may try to clean them up later but this is going to be a workhorse, not a safe queen)

Some people talk about clear coating theirs after fixing it up, some people got their stocks hydro dipped. I haven't decided yet but I may actually attempt a rattle can 'camo' job, just on the stock.