m20, checked with doctor : possible tonsil cancer. Extremely anxious (vent)

For background: I have always been fit throughout my life, even above average. I was on my HS varsity soccer and track team. Routine morning jogs, gym sessions, etc.

3 weeks ago I noticed my right tonsil got a tiny bigger than usual. I didn't think of it. 2 weeks ago, the right tonsil got very large (occupying 1/4 of my throat) while the left one doesn't change at all. A big lump on the backside of the throat emerged, with smaller bumps around it. The terrifying part is that it's all painless. If it's tonsilitis or sore throat it should be painful, at least.

That night I consulted to a friend of mine who used to be a GP and now is a Specialist in Lung (I forget the formal title for it). He's a bit worried and suggested me to get a second opinion on GP and convinces me to check with an ENT.

approximately 11 days ago I went to another GP. She said it's just sore throat and the reason it's painless is because i still have 3/4 of throat unblocked so the food doesn't push the enlarged tonsil. She gave me antibiotics etc. 4 days ago the I finished the meds she gave me, The surface of my throat was previously redder and look 'sore throat-y' but fortunately it got better. Unfortunately, the tonsils and lumps didn't get smaller. Then, I touched the tonsil with my finger expecting sudden pain just like the GP says. I didn't fell any pain at all. Booked an appointment with ENT rightaway.

Decided to go to an ENT today, hoping he would react with how silly i am to be worried and laugh off my fear of cancer then give me simple antibiotics for sore throats. Wrong. He was kind of baffled. His expression changed from neutral to worried when he saw my tonsil. He wasn't sure if this is tonsilitis/sore throat or tonsil cancer. It grows very fast for a cancer but the fact that it's painless and only one tonsil is enlarged also gives cancer a possibility. He gave me strong antibiotics for the next 5 days and if I don't get better, i'd get a biopsy

I've been extremely agitated and anxious. Im very, very young for cancer. I spent the last two years struggling with depression, working hard on college, and building my businesses. Now when my life starts to get better, this happens.

It's the uncertainty, as if there's an invisible impending doom that would strike me down at any time. I'm afraid, I'm anxious, I'm terrified. I feel cheated and I feel like I want to blame whoever/whatever is responsible for running this universe, if such entity/thing exists


Update: I'm completely fine! it was benign enlargement due to frequent throat sores when I was younger!