CMV: The rise of the far right in Europe should not be blamed on “ignorant voters” or “uneducated people”. Blame mainly lies on governments for passing unpopular policies.

Plenty of people in Europe feel threatened by mass migration and rightfully so. Whenever this is brought up they are dismissed as being “racist” or “uneducated”. In reality several statistics have showed that migrants from MENA regions cause disproportionately more crime in countries like Germany and Sweden. This is not to say we should block immigration from these nations but there is clearly an issue with integration when there are so many terror attacks in the name of jihadism (as well as incidents such as those in Cologne 2016). Naturally, governments failing to manage mass migration without integration will lead to far right parties like the AfD or Reform U.K. gaining more popularity. Rather than calling people racist or uneducated for voting for these parties, governments need to start having a rational immigration policy and understand the threat that radical Islam poses for Europe.