CMV: American Conservatives are hypocrites when it comes to Israel
The vision of paleo, or neo neoconservatism (purely secular here) that is being propagated by current US conservatives has espoused less foreign entanglement, less immigration or cultural exchange, less global involvement or a pay to play model (no commitments but either getting paid for services or outright submission) even to strong traditional allies and trade partners, from Canada to the EU to Japan and Korea to the great pulling of the rug in Ukraine, until you meet Israel.
Then that conservative view goes head over heels in Israeli appeasement... from endless support to taking Gaza off Israel's hands so the US can take the blame for it, to going back to the Middle East (foregoing South China Sea and Eastern Europe) to bomb more Yemenis in the mountains.
The thing is it's predictable, and easy to plan around.. I don't think Hamas pulling off Oct 7 at that time was an accident.. their leaders had contact with Moscow, it was to take the heat off Russia and destroy any moral high ground the West had.
It's an easy reliable bet on the US support to Israel being blind, unconditional and devotional, even if it's against US interests, destroys soft power and moral standing and makes most of the Muslim world ~22% of the planet, most of the global south as potential enemies.
That's it, if you're a conservative in the mold of how Washington envisioned no foreign entanglement, explain how it's consistent with your views. The US have given "our greatest allies" over 400 billion in aid, enforced trade agreements, bribe their potential enemies, fight on their behalf, and.. how is that America first?
Edit, I have given two deltas for the religious issue being political even though I asked for secular reasoning, I apologize to everyone who brought up the religious side, I can't give more on that end, but if you're a secular conservative who is non interventionalist with exception to Israel then I want to hear that view.