Convinced that childfree are more informed about children and parenting than actual parents.
My BIL and SIL had their son about a month ago. Previously they had dogs and both were really invested in proper exercise and nutrition for their pets, I assumed this enthusiasm would transfer to having a human child. Since they have had their son they seem shocked by every piece of information related to child rearing ie. How often newborns feed, how little they sleep, that you need to clean snot out of their nostrils, that you shouldn't have blankets in the crib with baby. Recently they took their newborn to the bar ( you know cause newborns netoriously have strong immune systems), two days later he had RSV and the whole family was panicked (he is better now). All of this seems like pretty basic info that me as a childfree person forcibly learned via Meta's algorithm. So I'm surprised that two intelligent people who willingly put themselves in this situation, in the 9 months of pregnancy didn't seem to do any research in what child rearing would actually entail.