Anyone Else Get Stressed Out Seeing How Some Kids Act With Certain Animals?

So I went to see family today. I visited my cousin who has a son. His son is a very hyper toddler. However, the thing that stressed me out the entire visit was how my cousin's son treated their 2 dogs. Like he was climbing on them, squeezing them, and at a few points hit the dogs.

Mind you, my cousin did his best to correct this behavior but with limited success. It was stressful to watch. I'm seriously worried one of the dogs is gonna go off and bite the kid one day. Like, at this point it isn't a matter of IF(the dog will bite his son), but honestly a matter of WHEN.

I feel bad for the dogs honestly. All my cousins have kids. I don't know how they do it to be honest. Like, after each family function I thank God that I chose to be childfree and I am not having kids. Like, I can't imagine having to tend to a child 24/7. Especially after a long stressful day, whether it be a work or otherwise.

I watched my siblings and other people's kids a lot as a teen. The idea of having my own sounds awful. I would never be able to relax again. 😅