SuziQVegas, SQV cause I’m lazy. Lotta questions about this one, not sure which to ask first. But what do yall honestly think? I spent an embarrassing amount of time this morning scrolling and sifting through corns videos, and looking at her comments, I clicked on her page and uh, Good gracious. Trying to make sure I’m not coming off judgey or any of that, but Heaven almighty what is going on w all of that? Do we know if SQV is sending him money or something? Other than love bombing the shit out of every post Of his, he is never in any of her comments. She apparently lives in his DMs..but that also means there has to be some sort of engagement on his side as well. Straight up assuming here(??) I also saw in a random recent vid corn posted **which by the way, everybody is starting to notice he is just re-posting a bunch of old videos now.. all the comments are asking him why nothing new and of course his responses are super short and just odd, he seems to have an excuse or a response for everything) anyway I saw where SQV was commenting on one of his vids (Evan Cornmeliussen page) where he was talking about a live he recently went on and the context was surrounding trans individuals or something of the nature..nothin, and I mean zero mentioning of SQV whatsoever, but she commented on that post and from what I am gathering SQV is a trans? No hate/disrespect- just pure curiosity and being nosey over here. She said, well here you kno what- just click dis I have no idea, I’m so intrigued by all of this. You know that saying about can’t look away from a car crash? Exactly that. Im also mad as hell for being this invested. I have got to go do something productive with my day now. Man I love u, Reddit