11 Year Old Bully
In general I’m the “fun”, “funny”, “nice dad”. But I’m also 5’10 and 200lbs of testosterone fueled dad venom, who’s sole job is to protect his two daughters.
There’s a little Bieber looking bully kid who’s “popular” and has been calling my daughter ugly (other girls as well) and making her feel overall uncomfortable (they’re in 5th grade). They’ve gone to school together since kindergarten and we know the parents, but not very well. They’re also in the same class.
Tosay he walked by her and spat out of his tiny cracked lips “UGLY”. This was going on a couple months back, and my wife ended up calling the principal after she talked me down from going over the kid’s house to talk to the parents. It got better after that but then this happened today with the ugly comment.
I’m very ready to pull this kid aside if I see him (or go to his house), and try to first talk some sense into him while also giving him a warning that if he keeps doing it, it will escalate and he’ll see more of me. Only next time I won’t be so nice.
Dads, and awesome mom lurkers, is it better to re-approach with the school (i have no faith in their teacher), talk to the parents, or try to talk man-to-boy with a side of “I will end you”.
EDIT: I by no means meant actually hurting this kid, more of a serious tone, “stop it” directly to him so he’s aware I (and other parents) know what he’s doing. Probably too much of an old school mentality, but a boy targeting girls with his antics is something that I just don’t get. Lot of great advice here, thanks!