Please help. I’m so tired. Dad of three.
I have three boys (11/8/2.5) and I just can’t anymore. I have no idea how people do this, raise multiple kids and work.
It’s now 23:30 and I’m writing this as I’m “done” with our household (read: I did what I could and then gave up because I’m never done).
Honestly I have no energy or even the slightest bit of motivation left. I work full time, mostly from home and one office day per week. But even at work I feel so overwhelmed at times. I can’t get anything done.
In our household, my wife and I are struggling to get by and this causes a lot of tension between us. I have a bad habit of being grumpy because I’m unhappy and I’m acting it out on her.
Sometimes I wish I could just take all the shit in our house and throw it out. My living room is literally littered with plastic bins of toys and stuff scattered around everywhere. It’s insane…
Often colleagues tell me “Oh just rest a bit more during the weekend, you’ll get through it”. Honestly… Weekends are the worst. I need Monday and Tuesday to recuperate from them. Or “Why don’t you go and work out”. I just can’t anymore. I haven’t got the smidge of motivation left.
Sorry that this story has turned into a rant. I’m just a bit overwhelmed by everything.
Edit: Thank you for the huge support and kind answers, tips and just the feeling of not being alone in going through this. Truly appreciate it. I’m glad I found this sub!