Older gentleman punched me and then crapped himself in FC. It was a first for me.

Departing ATL on an A321. Typical steep climb and we were banking to the right making a typical clockwise circle, but it was more extreme than usual. I'm in the window seat and I couldn't see the horizon at all, just the ground. I'm thinking, this seems really odd, this is not a normal roll angle. About 10 seconds into that extremely steep turn the entire plane pitched back the complete opposite way (hard roll to the left, and now all I see is sky) and there was a handful of screams and some gasps and the 60 year old man in the aisle seat went to brace himself on the seat in front of him with his left hand and flung his right hand right into my ear, but it was a punch.

The plane leveled out and he apologized profusely to me. About 30 seconds later I started to smell something nobody wants to smell. As soon as the seat belt sign went off, he grabbed his backpack out of the bin and went into the bathroom and was gone for quite a while.

I had headphones on so we didn't talk the rest of the flight, but when we were leaving the plane he told me he was sorry again.

FA nor the Captain ever addressed the rolling situation that happened on takeoff. I fly a lot and I've never experienced anything like that before, in fact I don't think I've ever had an ounce of fear in me from flying, but for about 5 seconds I did.

Anyway, that was a first for me, so I thought I would share.

I also marked this as a shitpost, because technically it was, but it's a true story.