Update to this post

Well, the first flight I had to check my bag due to the overhead slot being full and they were kind enough to have no cost for it.

I board the plane and they taxi out and we get sent back due to the right engine not getting fuel or something along those lines.

So anyway, we go after a hour of them fixing it and I miss my layover due to us being delayed but they rebooked for the next flight to PBI. So I was in Atlanta for 3 hours and now I’m here in PBI.

Well, the first flight I had to check my bag due to the overhead slot being full and they were kind enough to have no cost for it.

I board the plane and they taxi out and we get sent back due to the right engine not getting fuel or something along those lines.

So anyway, we go after a hour of them fixing it and I miss my layover due to us being delayed but they rebooked for the next flight to PBI. So I was in Atlanta for 3 hours and now I’m here in PBI.