Any of y'all hate dogs now?

I have 15 free range laying hens. Our coop is super solid predator proofed, and several acres from the road. However, the people about a ¼ of a mile from me have several intact female "livestock guardians" (they had goats for 3 months 2 years ago) that attract every intact male for miles. About once every 3 months I have to watch my chickens close. When my flock was much smaller, a stray snatched up one of my hens and started plucking her. I was able to stop the attack and my hen survived with bald patches and is still one of my best layers. Recently a very aggressive dog came to the "guardians". Once he was bored of trying to get to them through the fence, he turned on my chickens and ripped my rooster up, and the "guardians" helped through the fence. The next day, he tried again. If I didn't have a rake I'm positive I'd have gotten bit. Hackles up, snarling. I know every animal is different. But this has made me start to hate dogs. Sorry for format I'm on mobile.