What characters get the most unjustified hate (or USED to get lots of it)?
Ingrid is one of the most oddly misunderstood characters in the series, or at least she USED to be in the past, due to her Support with Dedue:
For some reason, despite Ingrid only being rude to Dedue for a few lines early on, and working through her old grudge against Duscur around the middle point of the Support - in a very mature and calm manner, as well - it seems that quite a few people blindly latched on to this idea of her being a HUGE racist.
(Even if some of them were probably sarcastic about it.)
Ingrid herself doesn't really try to make excuses for her behavior and expresses obvious regret at her treatment of Dedue, and not VERY far into the Support either. They're on friendly terms by the later parts of it.
Honestly, it's also quite understandable that she'd have a temporary grudge, despite how misguided and unjustified it was, considering how severely traumatic Glenn's death was for her. This flaw humanizes her a lot more.
Ingrid is one of the most oddly misunderstood characters in the series, or at least she USED to be in the past, due to her Support with Dedue:
For some reason, despite Ingrid only being rude to Dedue for a few lines early on, and working through her old grudge against Duscur around the middle point of the Support - in a very mature and calm manner, as well - it seems that quite a few people blindly latched on to this idea of her being a HUGE racist.
(Even if some of them were probably sarcastic about it.)
Ingrid herself doesn't really try to make excuses for her behavior and expresses obvious regret at her treatment of Dedue, and not VERY far into the Support either. They're on friendly terms by the later parts of it.
Honestly, it's also quite understandable that she'd have a temporary grudge, despite how misguided and unjustified it was, considering how severely traumatic Glenn's death was for her. This flaw humanizes her a lot more.