Tables Turned: Insecure About Being Fit
This is going to sound dumb. I feel like I’m thinking about it wrong, which is why I’m asking for help.
I’m a 33 yr old dad/husband. I was skinny or skinny fat for a long time including high school and college. The past two years, I’ve really worked hard in the gym, dialed in food and supplements, and I’m not perfect by any means but I’ve built a solid muscular body. For reference of the transformation: I’m 5’ 10”. I hovered at 165 lbs for forever dipping down in the 150s if i “ate clean”. I’m now a lean 194 lbs. Had to get all new clothes. People don’t recognize me. The whole deal. Obviously, I enjoy the physical results, but I also just love feeling strong and not like “a little guy”
Here’s my dumb question: I’m about to go on a week long trip with my in-laws to a cabin with a pool. We all have kids. It will be lots of hanging out and playing in the pool. Both of my brother in laws and my father in law are very physically unfit. I love them all. No ill feelings at all. They just have the bodies of middle aged+ men who’ve never paid attention to health and fitness and eat lots of southern food. Add to this that one of their wives had a mini melt down a few years ago on a beach trip about having let herself go and feeling bad in her swimsuit.
All these words to say: For some reason, I feel really uncomfortable being shirtless around them at the pool. Like I might take away from their fun by being fit. I’m usually very a pretty confident guy, but I’m also a bit of a softy and this is their family vacation (I’m the BIL vacationing with my wife’s family) and I don’t want to be annoying or take anything away from them. I also feel dumb wearing a shirt in the pool when that’s not something I’d ever do. My wife is also not into fitness at all. No shade, but it’s a touchy subject and so I can’t really process with her even though it’s her family.
So, all you fit 30+ folks. Help a brother out with some fresh perspective. Cover up out of love of family, or live free and enjoy the fruit of my labor?
TL;DR I’m a fit guy vacationing with my not into fitness in-laws. I feel weirdly insecure about being shirtless at the pool. Is this my insecurity or some higher love calling?