Vent needed! 12w with Twins and I am sick of people telling me what I can't do already

I'm 31 and 12 weeks pregnant with twins which we are delighted about, however what is with everyone telling me I should be wrapped in bubble wrap?

Roughly 2 years ago I started with a personal trainer and got info the best shape of my life. I maintained this level of fitness consistently until the start of this year when I got pregnant and just was flooded with exhaustion and nausea. I was only managing maybe once a week so have lost some definition but I'm still pretty strong. Finally the last week or so I've started to feel like I can eat actually vegetables (babies currently have grown on crackers and cheese) and have managed to get to the gym a couple of times. This has made me feel feel pretty good and more like myself again!

People however act as if I am a delicate little doll who can't lift more than a feather and it is so FRUSTRATING. Moving a box or lifting anything gets a DONT DO THAT and if I even mention I've been to the gym I get met with tuts and a disapproving look with "you really need to be more careful, especially with twins." I know they think they're being nice but it is so frustrating and I might just bite one of their heads off soon.

My doctor hasn't said anything about me being unable to work out or any precautions I should take so it's just incredibly frustrating when people who aren't doctors feel like they need to comment on what I should or shouldn't do.

Sincerely, A pregnant lady who will box the head clean off you if you tell me I can't lift something again